Covid-19 Epidemic
Dear Friends,
After China and Asia, now Europe, Americas and the whole world is touched by this Covid-19 Pandemia. Our family, colleagues and relatives are fine and quarantined in their homes to avoid the virus to spread even more. We would like to send to all of you and your families our thoughts and friendship in these very difficult times.
Unfortunately, this virus is spreading fast, much faster than we all expected, and we need to bound together and remain quarantined, except for the most needed cases. We need to keep optimism and thankful to all medical staff that are protecting and caring during this epidemic situation.
We will not forget how good it was to do some simple things in the past, shaking hands, say hello to our friends and chat with them, meet our family and friends, sharing a couple of glasses of wines and good meal… for all these happy moments we shall fight & it brings us courage to hold our quarantine.
Life still goes on, and all Bordeaux Blends team is home working from now on, and available by emails or phones. Our warehouse is also operational, following strict sanitary rules and limited staff to avoid any body contacts and keeping a safety distance.
We wish you courage during this hard time and hope we could have soon our “normal” lives again and cheers to life with some good wines along a good meal !
Keep safe and see you very soon,
Michelle, Sarah, Kayala, Yasuhisa, Marc & Pierre
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